tumor bone中文什么意思

发音:   用"tumor bone"造句
  • tumor:    n. 【医学】肿瘤,癌,疙瘩,赘疣。 ...
  • bone:    n. 1.骨(头);骨状物〔象牙等〕 ...
  • bone tumor clinic:    骨肿瘤门诊
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  1. The tumor erodes and destroys the bone cortex , extending into soft tissue where irregular tumor bone with calcification is seen
  2. Replanting the tumor bone after some treatments . the three methods have different advantages and disadvantages : the prosthesis is accompanied with prosthesis loosing and the issue of the musculature fixation has n ' t solved . the massive allograft and tumor bone replanting are accompanied with the necrosis of allograft cartilages
    保肢手术并不是一个定型的非常成熟的手术,目前大段骨关节缺损的重建方法主要为: 1 、人工金属假体置换术, 2 、异体骨置换术, 3 、肿瘤骨段灭活再植术等。


  1. tumor basic protein 什么意思
  2. tumor bed 什么意思
  3. tumor benign 什么意思
  4. tumor blush 什么意思
  5. tumor board 什么意思
  6. tumor callus 什么意思
  7. tumor carcinoid 什么意思
  8. tumor carrier 什么意思
  9. tumor cavernous 什么意思
  10. tumor cavity contrast 什么意思


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